Dental fillings are the therapeutic treatment procedure chosen most often to treat caries. During the procedure damaged dental tissues are removed, and the dental function and natural form of the tooth are restored. If needed, the local anesthesia is used before the procedure. Dental treatment for children. In Dentus clinic children’s temporary and permanent teeth are treated. The chewing surfaces of new permanent back teeth are covered with sealants that act as a barrier to prevent caries. During treatment our young patients watch cartoons so the visit passes quickly and leaves a positive impression.
Price: 70-100 Eur.
Aesthetic filling is the fastest way to restore the hard tissues of teeth using special restorative materials that best conserve dental tissue and gums. Before aesthetic filling is made, the gums have to be healthy, so professional oral hygiene is required.
Dentus dental clinic uses an aesthetic filling to restore teeth that are chipped, worn, discoloured, damaged by caries, or crooked, and to eliminate gaps between teeth.
Price: 150-170 Eur.